Sunday, March 3, 2013

Just a few of my favorite things...

Healthy eating. Just those two words themselves can cause a person to have a mild panic attack. For some reason, healthy eating has become an impossible and dreaded task for most people. Why is this?! Most likely because everyone has their preconceived notions about what healthy eating HAS to be, and it seems like a rigid and unsatisfying way to eat. But, eating in a more healthy manner is all about exploration and finding things you enjoy eating that also serve your body well. Hate spinach? Then don't eat it! Find another green that is more enjoyable for you. It's all about YOU!

Through my quest to be a more healthy eater, I have incorporated a few new staples into my diet that I always keep on hand and are things that I actually want to eat. Let me share a few of them with you.

1. Chobani Greek Yogurt: There are SO many different flavors, and every single one is delicious! Not only will this yogurt satisfy a sweet tooth, but one 6 oz container packs around 14g of protein and around 140 calories (calorie amounts depend on flavor but do not vary greatly)! Protein helps build and maintain lean muscle mass and also helps to make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Also, without getting into too much boring detail, protein has a very high thermic effect. This just basically means that you burn a high amount of calories (around 20-25% of the protein calories eaten) just to digest that protein. This yogurt is a great, healthy snack that also tastes delicious!

2. Low-fat Chocolate Milk: Okay, I guess I'm on a dairy product kick here. But chocolate milk is a definite staple in my diet! I mainly use chocolate milk as a post-workout drink. It is high in protein which helps build muscle that has been broken down during a workout session. It also provides a good amount of carbohydrates in order to refuel your glycogen stores after they have been depleted during your workout. And it tastes delicious! I am not a huge fan of "fake" supplemental type drinks that people will often use after workouts (although I do like Orgain). I tend to lean more towards "whole foods." So, consider chocolate milk a good replacement for other types of protein post-workout drinks you may find yourself using.

3. La Tortilla Factory Low-Carb Wraps: I don't know about you, but sometimes a salad can be somewhat unsatisfying (especially when I'm craving "bready" carbohydrates). So, when I know I need to eat my greens for the day, but I am just not really feeling a salad, I'll make a veggie wrap using a low carb tortilla! The La Tortilla Factory Smart and Delicious Whole Wheat large wraps have been my favorite that I have found so far. They are only 80 calories, have 12g of fiber, 8g of protein, and are surprisingly very delicious!

4. Kale: Now, I have never been a huge veggie eater. But, when deciding to become a healthier person, I knew I was going to need to find some veggies that I liked because they are so essential for our bodies! After hearing that kale was one of the healthiest veggies on the planet, I thought I would give it a try (even though I was SURE that I would not like it). But, I found it to be quite delicious! It is an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K. It also has lots of fiber and other vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. I often just include raw kale in my veggie wraps or salads, but it is also delicious when baked with olive oil and made into kale chips.

5. Vita-Top Pizzas: These are a new discovery I have recently found. When I was browsing the local health foods store in Provo, a Vita-Top personal pizza box caught my eye. I have always been a fan of the Vita-Top chocolate muffin tops, but I was unaware of the fact that the same company also made pizzas. And then, after looking over the nutritional info., I was sold! Only 190 calories for a decent sized personal pizza with lots of fiber and protein. And seriously, the pizza tasted very good. Pizza is a food that I love but often don't eat because nutritionally, it is really not the best. The discovery of these low calorie, high nutrition pizzas was a life saver! I eat at least one a week. :)

Ok, I could list WAY more than 5 of my favorite items, but I'll just leave you with that list for now. I hope you can try some of these "healthy" foods and realize that healthy eating can also be delicious! It is all about consciously knowing what you're eating, and choosing foods that make your body feel good.

I recently celebrated a birthday and "splurged" a little. I started out my morning with pancakes. For dinner I had salmon fish tacos with dessert to follow, then went home and also had birthday cake! Ahhh! But, I include this picture and story to let you know that it is totally, 100% okay to eat "unhealthy" things from time to time. You should not feel guilty for having a piece of cake at a birthday party or going out to dinner and eating a somewhat unhealthy meal with friends. It's all about moderation. I like the 80/20 rule. (80% of the time I eat very well, but the other 20% of the time I allow myself some "treats.") And, what would life be without dessert, anyway?! :)